Rom Rincón Nominated for Best Caribbean Rum!
The Cadushy Distillery, situated in the heart of Rincón, proudly announces its nomination for the prestigious title of "Best Caribbean Rum" in the 10Best.com contest hosted by USA Today.
Known for its dedication to the craft, the distillery's flagship product, Rom Rincón, is a true
testament to the passion and tradition of Bonaire Culture and Heritage.
As the 10Best.com contest kicks off on December 4th and runs until January 1st, 2024, The Cadushy Distillery calls on its supporters, rum enthusiasts, and lovers of craftsmanship to
join us in this exciting journey. Cast your vote for The Cadushy Distillery and help us secure
the title of "Best Caribbean Rum".
In the picture, our skilled staff stands proudly in front of our still, where the alchemy
happens. Each bottle of Rom Rincón tells a story of passion and tradition. Let's toast to the artisans who make it all possible. Cheers to passion, dedication, and The Spirit of Bonaire!
How to Vote:
– Visit www.rumvote.com starting December 4, 2023.
– Cast your vote and share the love for Rom Rincón.
– You can vote daily on every device you have!
Your support means the world to us, and together, we can make Rom Rincón the Best
Caribbean Rum!